Integrations / add-on
Gain maintenance insights from your MES / OEE-Tracker / CMMS / Connected Worker App / Shiftlog
Gain maintenance insights from your MES / OEE-Tracker / CMMS / Connected Worker App / Shiftlog
- Use peoplegeist's Text-AI as an addon to your current Shiftbook / CMMS / MES / OEE-Tracking tool.
- Leverage existing log collection channels.
- Upgrade your current shopfloor-, manufacturing-, and maintenance platform with Text-AI capabilities.

Leading German MES Platform provider. Analyze any text you can collect with MPDV MIP
- SSO Login
- Automatic text download
- Analysis
- Trouble Shooter
- Employee list sync

Generic API
Integrate with any OEE / MES Software as long as it offers an API or it can interact with an API

Use your machine stacklight status to track your asset availability.- Automatic text download
- Analysis
- Trouble Shooter
- Dashboard
300+ more integrations
Contact us for full-list of available integrations
Missing your Analytics / MES / OEE Tracking / Shiftbook / CMMS-Tool?
We can add yours easily